1. Mstar (Asia) Co., Ltd, DBA: Boogoo Music & Art festival allows the customer the flexibility to pay for their order via credit card, cash transfer. The installment payment plan through (“Boogoo or promoter”). The ticket purchaser that utilizes through Boogoo (“Purchaser”) agrees that their credit card will be charged in installments (“Installments”) once a month for a maximum of 5 payment (including initial payment) until their order is paid in full. The number of payments will be proportionate with the number of months remaining in the Boogoo payment terms. For Boogoo Music & Art Festival that term runs from July 1st, 2024 through July 1st, 2025. The Purchaser will receive an email confirmation each time their credit card is charged. At the time the final payment is made, their order will be available for shipment. The Purchaser further understands that they can, at any time, pay for the order in full and/or accelerate the issuance of the ticket(s). The date of the month that the payment is made is equal to the day of the month in which the initial deposit was made.EXAMPLE boogoo PAYMENT SCHEDULE ON AN ORDER
    Payment Amount of Payment Due Date
    Initial Down Payment 10 % Open date
    2nd Payment 30 % August 1, 2024
    3rd Payment 30% December 1, 2024
    4th Payment 20% March 1, 2025
    5th Payment 10% June 1, 2025


    * Due to rounding, exact payment amounts may vary by up to 2 cents per payment, however total due will not exceed the order total


    Automatic Card Payment Authorization (“Authorization”)

    I authorize Mstar (Asia) Co., ltd  to charge my Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card, Union Pay, True Money, Alipay, China Union Pay, Prompt Pay, MPU, shopeePay, Loan Card IPP, 123 Only, IPP only (the “Card”) for the down payment, which is equal to 10-30 % of the purchase price of the Pass(es) I am electing to purchase, and four subsequent installments, each representing 10-30% of the purchase price the Pass(es) [due to rounding, exact payment amounts may vary by up to 2 cents per payment, however total due will not exceed the order total]. In the event a charge is not successful, I authorize Mstar (Asia) Co., Ltd to reinitiate the charge. I understand that the charge may not immediately post to my Card account. In the event that Mstar (Asia) Co., Ltd makes an error in processing a charge, I authorize Mstar (Asia) Co., Ltd to initiate a credit or debit to the Card to correct the error. Each charge to the Card will be processed in U.S. Dollars or Euro and, if a charge is converted into another currency, its amount may vary based on fluctuations in the applicable conversion rate. Mstar (Asia) Co., Ltd will accept one Card per Authorization with the Card having a valid expiration date for the duration of the Authorization process. I understand that if a charge is denied, I am responsible for making the payment in full within 10 days of the rejected charge. If a payment is not made in full within 10 days after the initial charge, your order WILL BE CANCELLED, and we will not refund all money you have paid. You will also be charge a cancellation charge of $50.

    Contract: From the moment we come into contact with you, we consider a valid contract to be established between you and the Mstar (Asia) co., ltd, Dba: Boogoo Music & Art Festival As (Promoter) or (Boogoo). The company is register under the business and under the court of laws of Thailand.

    Payment: A down payment of 10% of the total price is required when reservations are made. If the festival subscription (only tickets for all events) is booked, the total price must be paid right away. The total full balance is due by June 1, 2025. If reservations are made on/after June 2, 2025, the entire amount is due at time of reservation. Payment may be made by credit card (Visa, Master card, American Express, or Discover Card, Union Pay, True Money, Alipay, China Union Pay, Prompt Pay, MPU, shopeePay, Loan Card IPP, 123 Only, IPP only ) or by bank transfer.

    Insurance and disclaimer: Cancellation Insurance and Illness-Accident and Baggage Insurance is obligatory. This insurance policy must be stipulated at the same time as the reservation. The Promoter accepts no liability should you fall ill, suffer accident, misfortune, delay, damage, detention, death or loss. The Promoter accepts no liability for any additional charges, including transport, meals or accommodations costs incurred as a result of fault, misdemeanor or third party failure, the non-provision of services, strikes, cancellations, delays, illness or accident. Though all practical assistance will be given, no responsibility is assumed or undertaken by the Promoter for loss of money, credit cards, travelers’ cheques, baggage or personal belongings.

    Passport & Visa: By law in most countries, your passport must be valid for six months beyond the tour date. If a visa is required, you will need to obtain one on your own. Before booking, we suggest you check whether you will need a visa or not. It is the customer’s responsibility to have the documents in order at the time of departure valid for six months.

    Cancellation: If you have to cancel your participation, the day on which we receive written confirmation from you by e-mail or fax will be considered the day of cancellation. You will be charged the following:

    30% of the total amount up to 60 days before festival opening date
    50% of the total amount up to 45 days before festival opening date
    70% of the total amount up to 30 days before festival opening date
    100% of the total amount from 30 days before festival opening date

    Safety: If the Thailand Ministry of tourism were to advise against travel and visits to places included in our tours, we would have to cancel the visit or modify the itinerary to avoid any risk. In case of cancellation before the start of the event, you will be giving a new date of event.

    Responsibility of the Promoter: The responsibility of the Promoter is governed by the international laws and conventions stated under “Source of the Law”. Under no circumstances can that responsibility exceed the limits defined by those laws and conventions.

    Modifications of the Programed: Musicians can get sick, concert venues can change, flight times can be changed – there are many possible unforeseeable circumstances that could require changes to the schedule. If changes to the program are necessary, we ask for your understanding.




    Individual Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver

    You and we each may elect to resolve any and all claims and disputes relating in any way to this Agreement or our dealings with one another (“Claims”), except for Claims concerning the validity, scope or enforceability of this Arbitration Agreement, through BINDING INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION

    If you or we elect to resolve a dispute by arbitration, neither you nor we will be able to have a court or jury trial or participate in a class action or class arbitration.  Other rights that you and we would have if you or we went to court will not be available or will be more limited in arbitration, including the right to appeal.  You and we each understand and agree that by allowing each other to elect to resolve any dispute through individual arbitration, WE ARE EACH WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A COURT OR JURY TRIAL.  IF ANY PARTY ELECTS ARBITRATION THAT DISPUTE SHALL BE ARBITRATED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS, AND NOT AS A CLASS ACTION, REPRESENTATIVE ACTION, CLASS ARBITRATION OR ANY SIMILAR PROCEEDING.  The arbitrator(s) may not consolidate the claims of multiple parties.

    Arbitrations shall be administered by the Thailand Arbitration Center (“THAC”) pursuant to the applicable THAC rules in effect at the time the arbitration is initiated.  You may obtain information about arbitration, arbitration procedures and fees from THAC or visiting  If THAC is unable or unwilling to arbitrate a dispute, then the dispute may be referred to any other arbitration organization or arbitrator we both agree upon in writing or that is appointed.  The arbitration shall take place in the federal judicial district where we reside, or in another location on which we agree.  The arbitrator shall be authorized to award any relief that would have been available in court, provided that the arbitrator’s authority is limited to you and us alone, except as otherwise specifically stated herein.  No arbitration decision will have any preclusive effect as to non-parties.  The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding.  You and we agree that this Arbitration Agreement extends to any other parties involved in any Claims, including but not limited to anyone for whom you purchase passes and our employees, affiliated companies and vendors.  This Arbitration Agreement shall take precedence over the rules of the arbitration organization or arbitrator in the event of any conflict.

    We will be responsible for paying all arbitration fees other than the lower amount of filing fees you would have incurred in a state or federal court in the jurisdiction of your residence.  Notwithstanding any other provision herein, you or we may seek relief in a small claims court for Claims within its jurisdiction.  In addition, you and we each may exercise any lawful rights to seek provisional remedies or self-help, without waiving the right to arbitrate by doing so.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the foregoing class action waiver and prohibition against class arbitration is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then this entire Arbitration Agreement shall be void.  If any portion of this Arbitration Agreement other than the class action waiver and prohibition against class arbitration is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not invalidate the remaining portions of this Arbitration Agreement.  This Arbitration Agreement will survive the termination of this Agreement, your fulfillment or default of your obligations under this Agreement, and/or your or our bankruptcy or insolvency (to the extent permitted by applicable law).

    YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REJECT THIS ARBITRATION AGREEMENT, BUT YOU MUST EXERCISE THIS RIGHT PROMPTLY.  If you do not wish to be bound by this agreement to arbitrate, you must notify us in writing within sixty (60) days after the date you sign this Agreement.  You must send your request to [email protected].  The request must include your full name, address, account number, and the statement “I reject the Arbitration Agreement contained in my Payment Plan.”  If you exercise your right to reject arbitration, the other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if you had not rejected arbitration.



    By clicking “I AGREE”, you consent to receive disclosures from us electronically through this web site under the terms set forth in this Consent. You agree that we may provide electronically any and all communications concerning your tickets and/or any payment plan you may enter into as well as any disclosures required by federal or country law (the “Disclosures”). Your consent applies not only to the tickets and any payment plan but also to any ancillary agreement related to these and to any future tickets or payment plans you may obtain through us.

    To electronically receive and view and electronically save or print the Disclosures, you must have: a personal computer with Internet access; a widely-used, recent-generation web browser; and a printer, hard drive or other storage device. You represent that you have this hardware and software.

    Prior to your purchasing the tickets, you may withdraw your consent to receipt of electronic disclosures by exiting this website. If you do this, you will not be able to purchase tickets from us. To withdraw your consent after this time, send an email stating that you withdraw your consent to receipt of electronic disclosures to us at [email protected] or call +66-97-392-4632. Include your name, address, and invoice number in any such request. You have the option to receive any information that we have provided electronically in paper form at no cost to you. To update any contact information we have on file for you, please call +66-97-392-4632.


    By clicking “[I AGREE]”, you agree to purchase the Pass (es) using the Boogoo Payment Plan and you agree to the Arbitration Agreement, the Authorization and the Consent to Electronic Contracting and Communications. If you do not wish to purchase the Pass (es) using the Payment Plan, or you do not agree to the Arbitration Agreement, the Authorization or the Consent to Electronic Contracting and Communications do not click “[I AGREE”]. As used in the Arbitration Agreement, the Authorization and the Consent to Electronic Contracting and Communications, “we,” “our,” and “us” mean Mstar (Asia) co., ltd and its successors, assigns and agents. CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS

    By clicking “I AGREE” you consent to receive disclosures from us electronically through this web site under the terms set forth in this Consent. You agree that we may provide electronically any and all communications concerning your tickets and/or any payment plan you may enter into as well as any disclosures required by federal or state law (the “Disclosures”). Your consent applies not only to the tickets and any payment plan but also to any ancillary agreement related to these and to any future tickets or payment plans you may obtain through us.